Service provider at heart!

Blueberry Fields offers fieldwork services for market research companies. We focus on the German Healthcare Market and know the industry inside-out: All of us have been working in large market research institutes and can well imagine walking in your shoes.

Our customers have trusted us for more than 10 years as we stand out for our competence, reliability and commitment.
With our deep understanding of the healthcare market, we are able to find the right participants for your study and thus provide valuable in-depth insights into your target groups.
Pull us out of your sleeve as an ace if you need support at short notice. 

We are on the spot – quickly and competently.

Module-based & flexible

Our experienced team of market research experts is on hand to help you understand your specific goals and help you choose the right methods and audiences. We offer our services in a modular system: You can book each project-module individually - to stay at budget.

Or - if you like a bit more - we are happy to offer the full package.

Just as it suits your individual project, time and budget.



Persistent & solution-oriented

Who doesn't know: Sometimes, Murphy's Law just strikes, and nothing goes as planned. We are there for you - pro-actively!

Our deep understanding of the specifics of the healthcare market allows us to provide you highly specialized services tailored to your exact needs, and to jump into your project right on time, just as you need it.

We are persistent and always working to find solutions to achieve the best results possible for you and to complete your project successfully - on time.

 "A diamond is a piece of coal that has had endurance." (unknown)